Gary MacDonald
James Crow
SD-I Official Gregg Hara was mentioned in National Officials Committee (NOC) May Newsletter as being one of the 50 longest-serving officials since certification began 50 years ago. The NOC Newsletter is full of information for officials - go here if you are not currently receiving it. Also brand-new official Charlenne Falcis-Stevens of Torrey Pines HS was recognized by the San Diego section of CIF as Girls' Track Coach of the Year. USATF awards to outstanding officials will be presented at the SD-I Awards Luncheon on February 2, 2025, at Dave & Busters.
The San Diego Track & Field Officials Association annual meeting and cerrtification clinic was held on Saturday, January 27, 2024, via Zoom. Election of Officers for 2025-2026 was held. Unamously elected were President Gary MacDonald, Vice President Nancy Morris, Secretary Kelly Smith, and Treasurer Anne Rentz. Gary MacDonald presented Officiating Track & Field, a synopsis of officiating basics. Certification Chair, James Crow, gave a presentation on the 2025-2028 Certification Process. He then moderated a discussion of number of the National and Master Level rules review questions. USATF SD-I Para Chair Danny Perez gave a presentation explaining basic Para Classifications and Officiating.
We are in need of more certified Para officials for our Association. With the CVETC being nearby and many of us working these meets, being certified will help us all have a better understanding for those rules. Taking the Para Rules Review will give you a USATF Para Level 1 certification. Additional information can be found at Adaptive Track & Field USA
If you have any questions contact the SD-I Para Chair, Danny Perez, or the SD-I Certification Chair, James Crow.
Officials are always needed at the Association's youth meets. If you have some free time and would like more experience and training, take a look at the Youth Calendar, and let Jay Johnson that you would like to volunteer to help at one of these meets.
All certified officials must be recertified every 4 years. For information on the process for certification and recertification, go to USATF's Officials Certification Process and Rules Reviews. You must be a member of USATF to be fully certified. The first step in the process is to establish an account at USATF Connect. More information and links can be found on the National Officials Committee Dashboard or USATF Officials. Currently certified and wish to upgrade your Certification Level? Fill out the Upgrade Application and send to the Certification Chair. To help in the upgrade process, print out and keep track of the meetsand events you work on the Officials Resume Form.
The local uniform consists of navy USATF Officials Shirt and khaki slacks, shorts or skirts. Morgan's Monograms is a local source for officials shirts other than the USATF shirt you were sent after your certification. Take your own garment (or purchase at Morgan's) for the embroidered USATF Certified Officials logo and your name (optional).
Handy Links: 🆕2025 High Jump Rules Comparison 🆕2025 Pole Vault Rules Comparison High Jump/Pole Vault Metric Conversion Tables High Jump Metric Conversion Table (color) 5-Alive Training (2023 - used only in HS meets) Jim Hanley's 2025 Track & Field Rule Book Differences